Everyone looks at the world through the prism of own experience with formin own reality perception.
April is guided by the principles of pure witnessing, observing and studying experience as a projection of realities, trusting only what can be felt by self or proven by the laws of science.
I. Happiness is a form of highest life quality perception
The absence or lack of this perception is due to the presence of internal or external causes that have objective or subjective sources.
- Everyone is able to detect internal and external causes that reduce the sense of pleasure from life and prevent to enjoy the achievements of his own well-being.
- Everyone is able to determine where the causes that reduce the feeling of pleasure from life are located: whether these reasons are objective and are outside the person, or these reasons are subjective and are inside the person’s consciousness.
- Both types of reasons, both external and internal, affect a person’s judgments and attitudes towards the body and health, sex, relationships with loved ones, family members, ancestors, descendants, communication in different groups, society, ecology, perception of aesthetics and spiritual life.
- Everyone can become happier by clearing from the reasons that prevent them from being the master of their own destiny, getting life the way they want, improving the quality of life.
II. Suffering exists and is a signal of a threat to survival.
The desire to reduce suffering is a right and a duty to survive.
- The suffering can be ended.
- The desire to avoid or end suffering is the inviolable human right, as well as the very right to life.
- Suffering caused by objective causes is limited in time and localized in space.
- If a person experiences suffering outside of space and time, then this suffering is always localized within a person and is caused by subjective causes.
- Feeling the pleasure of life is a signal to increase the level of survival.
- There is a way to end suffering. This way is a direct action.
III. The meaning of life in the material world is to make decisions about action or inaction.
To do or not to do.
- Everyone has everything necessary for life in a world consisting of space-time, energy and matter. Everyone has a physical body with sense organs and a mind to analyze information and make decisions about whether to act or not to act.
- Inaction against the will to act and action against the will to inaction are the consequences of suppression.
- A suppression may have internal sources. Internal sources of suppression are self-limitations imposed by ethical reasons or aberrations of personality.
- The causes of aberrations (committing illogical and erroneous actions) are the previous negative experience, obtained independently or under the influence of an external destructive intention.
- The search for and elimination of aberrations and protection from their receipt in the future is the recovery of free will and the ability to independently control one's destiny, this is the way to setting and achieving one's own goals.
IV. Everyone has abilities to action.
- Ability is a method to transform an intangible idea into a tangible material result. The transformation of a thought into a material result occurs through the energy concentrated into intention.
- Everyone has no limitations in abilities to act, inherent in everyone from birth, just like birds are born able to fly.
- Every ability of a person can be uncovered and, once uncovered, used according to the intent to act created by the mind of a person.
- The only real reason that does not allow one or another ability to be discovered or used can only be a physical, material reason.
- If a certain ability cannot be discovered and used to realize an intention, then there are other ways of acting, and therefore other abilities, that will allow this intention to be realized.